Happy 28th Birthday to me !!
2 more years before meninggalkan 2 series dan join 3 series group. hahahaha..
Lunch kang ada org nk belanja kat San Francisco Steak House..yaahuuuu!!..rezeki...rezeki..
Thanks for all the wishes kat FB, sms or call. Terharu gak ramai yg wish. Thanks guys..
Few people tanya saya ada bake cake utk my own birthday ke?? hahaha..lawak2..xde pon sbb kemalasan susah melanda..
Anyway have a great weekend guys!!
2 more years before meninggalkan 2 series dan join 3 series group. hahahaha..
Lunch kang ada org nk belanja kat San Francisco Steak House..yaahuuuu!!..rezeki...rezeki..
Thanks for all the wishes kat FB, sms or call. Terharu gak ramai yg wish. Thanks guys..
Few people tanya saya ada bake cake utk my own birthday ke?? hahaha..lawak2..xde pon sbb kemalasan susah melanda..
Anyway have a great weekend guys!!
happy birthday :D hehe..
check out http://namesherry.com/2010/07/friday-follower-freebie.html
Happy Birthday!
Mag God bless you always.
hye babe,
happy birthday!!
apash dear...sori lmbt wish..nway, heppi belated birthday...=)
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