Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Chronology of My Delivery Experiences-Part 2

Note: Sorry kalo cara penceritaan sy wat korg x bape paham..yg penting sy paham..hahahaha..

27/03/09 - Post Date 40weeks 5days

Dlm kol 9.30am nurse dr KD Bemban tu call tanya nk dtg ke tak jumpe doktor??
For sake of my baby I pon pergi le..sbb nk dpt clarification..

Time jumpe doctor tu..I explain him about the "air ketuban" punyer hal..dr kisah check ngn Ipoh Specialist sampai check kt GH..

Then, i've also told him pasal kisah member yg ade case air ketuban kurang then induce labour..
So, I asked him, what is the correct reading should doctor recommend to induced labour??

He explained, the good level of air ketuban is >10.. kalo <10 di anggap kurang baik utk baby's health..for my case..the level was 7.1..so the doctors threats its as moderate level..so bleh tunggu lagik sbb sy bile2 bleh bersalin..

So, I accepted his explanation and headed to the banks to pay my bills...

Nak dijadikan citer..tertinggal no akaun kt umah..so patah balik umah.. Then rasa nk terkencing sgt..gi toilet...then i discovered that ade kesan darah kat pantyliner..xde le sebanyak time period hari ke 1-3..ni mcm period hari ke 4-7...

Bgtau my MIL..and after discuss ngn my hubby..we decided gi GH balik..1st baby..x tau pe2 lagik..just nk yg terbaik utk baby je..

Sampai Dewan bersalin dlm kol 12...bermula process menunggu lebih lama dari pemeriksaan.. mcm biasa..explain kt nurse yg incharged bhgn registration..ckp dh pernah dtg and dh buka file sblm ni.. punye le lama tunggu then..nurse tu kata x jumpe file..buka file len... x pasal2 kena repeat "interview" ngn doctor tu...b4 that dh wat CTG lagik..

Setel interview tu..doctor nk seluk..nk check bukaan dh ade ke blom...nasib x baik dpt doctor pelatih lelaki india..segan yg teramat sgt..nk wat cane kan..GH..bukan bleh pilih doctor.. punye le sakit...dia mcm x confirm..2x dia seluk..then kata "maybe 2cm dh buka"... then dia mintak doctor sorg lagik utk confirmkan...Doctor cina pomp...dia kata "bukan 2cm..but only 1cm" ( Note: ni dh masuk 4x sy kena seluk ni..)

dia soh tunggu lagik..tunggu punye tunggu..doctor tu soh masuk wad..masa tu dlm kol 4 lbh...
punyer le lapo..dr kol 12 - 4pm x mkn pe2..

En.hubby riso kot nk ter'bersalin" mlm tu dia decide tido dlm keta je..x nak balik umah sbb takut x sempat..padahal sy dh bgtau kalo sakit nanti sy call baru le dtg..
tapi dia nk gak tido dlm keta.."sayang bini katanya.." hehehe..

Sepanjang kt dlm wad..every 4 hrs nurse dtg check BP akan tanya sakit x??..
Sy still xde sakit pe2..

Gambar sememeh sy kt wad pakai baju GH yg besar gile..
but mcm cute je sbb warna pink..huhuhu

28/05/09 - Post Date : 40weeks 6 days

Disebabkan langsung xde sakit..sy kena discharged tghari tu..
tapi kali ni dorang bagi 1 surat utk terus admit masuk wad pada 31/05/09 kalo still x bersalin lagi...

So..kena tunggu lagik....

>> to be continued

p/s: time tu hoping sgt dpt bersalin..dh x sabo gile tunggu baby kuar..


azieaz said...

apash xperience ko ni lebey kurang mcm aku jugak la..2 kali g spital tp xberanak jugak...huhu..nnti kalo ade time aku cite lak xperience aku..teruskan bercerite ek!!..hehehe

Puan ApasH said...


ko pon overdue ke??